• 20 сентября 2011, вторник
  • Москва, Москва, ул. Кирпичная, 33

Встреча с Ефимом Щукиным (ВСТРЕЧА ПЕРЕНЕСЕНА!!! о дате сообщим позже)

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Бизнес-инкубатор НИУ ВШЭ
4608 дней назад
с 18:00 20 сентября до 21:00 22 сентября 2011
Москва, ул. Кирпичная, 33

20 сентября в 18.00  в офисе Бизнес-инкубатора на Кирпичной, 33 состоится встреча с Ефимом Щукиным.  Сегодня Ефим — управляющий директор компании Elysium Ventures Ltd, которая инвестирует и консультирует молодые компании и стартапы в США, Европе, Австралии и России.

Встреча прежде всего будет интересна тем, кто интересуется, работает или создает свою компанию в сфере медицины, фармацевтики и биотехнологий.

Язык встречи — русский. Регистрация обязательна.

Подробнее о госте: Ефим Щукин

Yefim Schukin is a Managing Director of Elysium Ventures Ltd which is an entrepreneurial firm that is raising capital and providing strategic advice and direction to start-up companies in the US, Europe, Australia, and Russia,. It has been active in the areas of medical IT, based on Artificial Intelligence – Paperless Medical Technologies Ltd. (Silicon Valley and Moscow), video-conferencing / video-collaboration software (VisiInc – Australia), mobile identity solutions using unique finger-print / capillary recognition (Sonda Technologies, Russia) among others. Yefim is looking for innovative software startup companies that have a good chance to attain rapid growth and market success.

Yefim brings his extensive experience as a serial entrepreneur to his work. Prior to his founding of Elysium Ventures, Yefim Schukin was the co-founder together with Acad. Vladimir Arlazarov, of Cognitive Technologies Ltd., one of most prominent Russian software companies.

Earlier in his career, Yefim was one of the pioneers of Optical Character Recognition technology (OCR). Yefim was the president and founder of Cognitive Technology Corp., that had developed a premier OCR Engine Tiger and several retail OCR products.

Yefim is a graduate of Kharkov University with degree in Theoretical Physics. He has taught theoretical physics and methods of mathematical physics at Kharkov University and University of Texas in Austin. He has spent 3 years at Stanford University Artificial Intelligence Lab working under John McCarthy on computer vision. Yefim lives part time in San Francisco Bay Area and its beautiful Marin County as well as in the Caribbean, on Providenciales Island, Turknd Caicos Islands, British West Indies.


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