• 16 September 2011, Friday
  • Moscow, Moscow, 33 Kirpichnaya street

Startup Sauna Warmup in Moscow

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Бизнес-инкубатор НИУ ВШЭ
4612 дней назад
16 September 2011 c 10:00 до 19:00
Moscow, 33 Kirpichnaya street

AALTO Venture Garage and HSE{Inc} proudly present The Startup Sauna in Moscow. This is your chance to bring the heat on your startup, and get the feedback from Finland’s and Russia’s experts!

The Startup Sauna starts as a series of one-day-coaching-events held in differents cities in the Baltics, Russia and the Nordics region, called Startup Sauna Warmups. It’s targeted for early stage startups that want to get mentoring from the best serial entrepreneurs and investors from the region.

Based on the applications we will invite 10-15 teams to take part in each Warmup event. The best teams found in each Warmup event will be selected to the Startup Sauna program. Applications for Warmups will also be part of the open call process from where we will select couple more teams to take part.

Venue: State University Higher School of Economics 33 Kirpichnaya Street, 2nd floor


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